Monday, March 25, 2013


It's a busy week! (Remember there is no Wed night supper this week.)

T&T - Grand Prix time!!  All racers need to be in the gym with their cars between 5:30 - 5:45 for weigh in.  Races start promptly at 6.  Everybody's car will race at least 4 times.  The top 8 cars will race in semifinal matches (also 4 times each).  Then the top 4 cars will race 4 times each to determine the winner.  Trophies will be given for the top 3 fastest cars, for a kids' choice on design and for a judges' choice on design.

Parents and family members are encouraged to come cheer on your racer!

**After this week you only have 4 more weeks to finish your book**  The T&T March Madness Memory Verse challenge will finish on April 10.  Winners will be announced on April 17.

Sparks - Sparks will be dropped off and picked up from the opposite side of the gym this week.  They will be upstairs over the hallway side for both drop-off and pick up.  Sparks will get to see the Grand Prix races for 30 minutes in the middle of their Awana time.  Sparks are welcome to attend all of the races if a parent is with them the whole time.

**Including this week, you have 5 weeks to say verses and finish your books.**

Cubbies - You will be having a race themed night as well, racing cars and becoming race cars.  Cubbies are welcome to attend all of the races if a parent is with them the whole time.

Can't wait to see you all on Wed night.  Please feel free to email me with any questions you have about the Grand Prix race.
IMPORTANT REMINDER:  We won't be having Awanas next week due to Spring Break.

Cathy Davenport
Awana Commander

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